Bitcoin continua acima dos US $ 8.900: Bitcoin Cash dobrou em uma semana

Bitcoin continua acima dos US $ 8.900: Bitcoin Cash dobrou em uma semana

Although last night Bitcoin surpassed $ 9,000, it could not sustain the price. Meanwhile, the BCH has grown 18.75% in the last 24 hours.

Bitcoin  hit just over $ 9,000 yesterday. The excitement did not last long, and he recoiled a little. At the time of the post Bitcoin is costing $ 8, 16, only 0.26% less than yesterday at the same time. The number of operations is high: more than $ 7 billion has been traded in the last 24 hours.

Although Bitcoin is the main one, it is necessary to remain attentive to the price of  Bitcoin Cash  that since April 17 is in a process of constant valuation. It is now at $ 1,396 and 12.72% more than yesterday, which is almost twice the price of the cryptomania on April 17, when it barely exceeded $ 700.

Other increases on Monday were  Ethereum  costing $ 639.80Litecoin  $ 151.20 , IOTA at $ 2.11NEO  at $ 76.10 and  Monero  at $ 280.29 . On the other hand, other currencies had slight declines, all less than 2% in the case of  Ripple, Cardano  and  Stellar.

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